Towne House GroomingGrooming
Towne House Grooming is a top notch grooming salon and pet supply store. We only use the best available professional grooming equipment, which allows our groomers to style your pet in a professional and timely fashion.
We offer expert grooming for all breeds, from puppy cuts to breed-specific styling and hand stripping. Your pet’s needs come first! Each grooming experience is individualized for your pet. All of our groomers employ tender care and patience when grooming your loved ones.
Mini Grooms include a bath, brush out, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, sanitary clip, rounded feet, and the area around the eyes trimmed. Full Grooms include a bath, brush out, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, sanitary clip, and a haircut.
- 212-929-2910
- 288 8th Avenue, New York, NY 10001
- www.townehousegrooming.com