Kate Perry is the bomb. I found her by researching a bunch of dog training sites and comparing prices in NYC. Before you attend any of Kate’s classes, she recommends you contact her so she gets a sense of how your dog will react to other pups. I rescued my dog from a foster group that rescued her from a puppy mill. She was extremely timid and scared of everything.
I brought my 8-month-old Bichon to every one of her socializing puppy classes for 4 months. My pup totally broke out of her shell and she was ready to move on to Kate’s training classes, where she excelled. Kate vernally has 2-4 “interns” who are also training to become dog trainers. They’re very helpful in answering any questions when Kate is busy.
Trust me. When you have your very first pup, you have tons of questions. Kate is also great at seeing the “problem” of any dog and helping the owner address it humanely. She has great recommendations and even offers private training. AND she’s AFFORDABLE! She has the best price compared to any other training facility.
I had been carefully planning for the arrival of my second companion in life for many months before going to pick out my new labrador puppy. I travel constantly for work, and planned to have him trained as a service animal so that I could take him on flights with me. I wanted to be sure I started my new friend out on the right foot. In preparation, I had googled “dog trainers” in NYC and Kate’s site was one of the first to come up. But it wasn’t until, coincidentally, a few weeks later I was at the airport and a young labrador puppy walked past me with his owners through security.
I marveled at how calm and trained this little puppy was in the craziness of the airport. He kept his eye on his owners and acted perfectly. I was blown away. “THAT’S WHAT I WANT!” I thought. I walked up to them and said, “Excuse me, but could I ask how you were able to get a puppy of this age so well behaved?” They both exclaimed at the same time “Kate Perry!” I’d remembered the name from my Google search. The rest is history. I emailed Kate’s assistant and was immediately contacted to get my new boy enrolled in puppy and group classes as soon as I picked him up. I started him with Kate right at 9 weeks. We went to every puppy class and a full session of group training classes. The knowledge and training were invaluable.
At 10 weeks my puppy was flying with me and acting just like the example I’d seen a few months before. Since then we’ve worked with Kate with private classes and advanced training. My little guy plays dead, gives “high-5’s”, rolls over, and we’ve only just started. More importantly than that, he’s welcome everywhere we go, because he’s so perfectly behaved. He’s been to 5-star hotels around the world where dogs aren’t normally allowed, and greeted by desk and bell staff that say “Logan is welcome here anytime.”
The most important thing I’ve learned from Kate is that 90% of the training is for you, not the dog, and those first few months can be crucial. We still have routine sessions with Kate learning new things every time, and Logan goes nuts when we sense Kate is due for a visit because he knows we’re going to be learning AND having fun. I couldn’t ask for a better companion and I owe a lot of it to Kate. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Kate Perry Dog Training is the Harvard University of the dog world. Kate is a professor of dogs and their behavior and so too is Helen Buttolph, her assistant. Both Kate and Helen have very unique and different ways to get the best out of your little family member. As a first-time dog owner, both Kate and Helen helped me socialize and train our new English Bulldog, Mama. She has become such a reactive and responsive dog that we have now just grown our family by one more….a brother for Mama, a little French Bulldog named François. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kate and Helen.
I don’t know how I ever lived without these two precious little friends. If you value your puppies/dogs then there really is no other option but to have them trained and integrated into your life and lifestyle by the best trainers available, Kate and Helen. We have been fortunate to have Helen come to our home for private lessons. She is the epitome of a “dog whisperer”. She seems to anticipate, understand and encourage our pups to perform. After just three lessons we have two very attentive, responsive, and behaved little babies. Helen is PHENOMENAL!!!!!!!
We met Kate three weeks before we got our puppy. The purpose of the session was to review everything from supplies, to vets and vaccinations, to grooming, and most importantly, our lifestyle needs and how to adapt to a new living, breathing little ‘person’ in our home. She even called the breeder we used – to our delight – in order to get a sense of our pup’s life before us. Kate came to our house the very first day I brought our little girl, Sophie, home. What a godsend. I didn’t know where to put the crate/containment area (next to our bed? In another room? On a different floor?), or how to walk her (all Sophie wanted to do was lie down on the sidewalk!). What’s more, Sophie climbed out of her containment area on the second night we had her. We got a higher containment area, and she climbed out of that one too! She weighed 4.5 lbs!! I texted Kate early the next morning, and Kate got back to me within ten minutes. Through a lot of creative thinking, Kate helped us find a solution. Our puppy now sleeps peacefully through the night in her crate and pees both on wee pads inside and by the curb outside with equal ease. Kate’s approach tailors her training to her client’s lifestyles. Ours was challenging because our house was under construction when we got our pup.
There were workmen in and out of the house daily, with no consistent schedules, making a lot of loud, jarring noises. Kate got innovative to determine what would best help our pup feel safe and calm. Sophie, like all dogs (and human beings), has gone through stages that have led to behavioral changes. She’s now an adolescent, and true to form, she’s pushing boundaries, just like my two teenagers… agh! She tests us, defying commands and asserting dominant behavior in play with other dogs
Regarding the latter, Kate doesn’t believe in treating aggression with aggression. The dog will fear you, but not necessarily respect you. Discipline, detachment (the dog isn’t doing it *to* you, the dog’s just doing it), exercise, and love is what Kate teaches. I could go on, but I’ve probably already lost most of you… Suffice it to say, Kate has been invaluable, and is a good, kind and generous human being. I can’t recommend her highly enough. Elaine T.
Ms. Perry’s positive reinforcement style of training helps dogs learn to understand their owners’ wishes through careful understanding and compassion. We are confident that through her mentoring of ABC students since 2005, Ms. Perry passes along her gentle touch and kind methods of training to a whole new generation of trainers. Thank you Kate!
Kate got Benny to stop eating my apartment!
Kate’s Puppy Class is a Must!